Tuesday 17 December 2013


I visited Mudi's super-chic corporate office and showrooms in Anthony Village, Lagos for the first time yesterday.....Boy! Was I impressed! Three words best describe him; Simple Yet Sophisticated. Everything about his office settings to his designs certainly suggests this much.

Most impressive, was a framed picture hanging on the wall directly opposite his glass-chromed office table portraying his very humble beginnings. I asked how he feels every time he glances up at it;
I am reminded that I have done well."  
I wholly concur!

Without a 'god-father' to fall back on or an inheritance to help get him started, through hard-graft, determination, focus and passion, the successful designer's expanding fashion empire operates in Abuja, Port Harcourt, Accra, Dakar, Nairobi and Johannesburg; with many more cities in the Continent and beyond in the works no doubt. 

Wura celebrates this remarkable achiever!

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